Monday, April 3, 2017

More stats on Mallpocalypse from March 2017

I'm always a bit leery of videos that use electronic voices, unless maybe it's Stephen Hawking.  In any case, here's a look at our current wave of store closures in the U.S. and the horrific outlook for most American malls.  Electronics retailer HH Gregg filed for bankruptcy on March 6 and announced the closings of 88 stores.  They plan to keep the other stores open. 

The theme in all these store closures is that traditional bricks and mortar retailers have been struggling for a variety of reasons.  Some have gone out of business, and several major stores are closing dozens of locations and trying to keep their businesses going.  This is happening at a time when the stock market is near all times highs.  What happens to all these retailers if we topple into a pretty good-sized recession? 

This report says about 1/3 of malls are expected to close within about five years, and another 300 or so will probably keep struggling.  I'm 50 years old, and I've never seen anything like this in my lifetime.  This is a big deal that the mainstream media seems to be shying away from for now.  It appears this issue is going to simmer under most people's radar, but it shows no signs of going away right now.  Things are getting more and more dicey.

Another recent Tv spot about closing stores and dying malls

Here's a clip from Michigan about local Sears stores closing, and the continuing pressure on malls as brick and mortar stores close. 

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Empty Rhode Island mall turned into micro apartments

This clip goes back to 2013, but it shows another good use of America's oldest mall.  The second and third floors of this small mall were brought back to life as micro-apartments.  This is one of many things we could do with  some of today's abandoned malls and other buildings.